On December 21, 2020, Ministry of Public Works, Development and Administration (MPWDA) presented, at a press conference, the stage of absorption, as well as the degree of contracting of projects financed with European funds through programs coordinated by MPWDA.
During the same event, the project ” Strenghtening the capacity of the Public Ministry of enforcing the new hearing provisions of the criminal codes” – code SIPOCA 53 / code MySmis 119689 was presented as a project relevant to the public interest.
In the video Gallery section, you can watch a short clip from the press conference.
Background information:
- The SIPOCA 53 project, with a deadline of June 27, 2021, was included in the Action Plan of the Judicial System Development Strategy (2015 – 2020), having as main objective the creation of the hearing management system as a result of the adoption of the new criminal codes.
- The financing contract for the project was signed with the POCA Management Authority (MA) on July 27, 2017, and the total value is 54,785,517.47 lei.
- The project is funded by the Operational Program Administrative Capacity 2014-2020, Priority Axis 1 – Efficient public administration and judiciary, Specific Objective 1.3. Development and implementation of standard systems and modern and efficient management tools at the level of institutions in the judiciary.
- The main objective of the project is to strengthen the capacity of the Public Ministry regarding the hearings carried out according to the provisions of the new codes by creating a high-performance IT system that will be used in this matter.